Scarleteen- Sex Ed for the Real World | QueerCME Vodcast s01e08

Season #1

Learn all about Scarleteen- a great resource for adolescents and young adults needing inclusive sexual health education. My guest today is the founder of Scarleteen. Heather (they/them) is a dedicated queer and nonbinary activist, author, educator, artist, organizer and award-winning innovator. They're the founder, director, designer and editor of the web clearinghouse and organization Scarleteen, and also the author of S.E.X: The All-You-Need-To-Know Sexuality Guide to Get You Through Your Teens and Twenties (DaCapo Press, 2007/2016), now in its second edition; with Isabella Rotman, Wait, What?: A Comic Book Guide to Relationships, Bodies, and Growing Up (Oni Press, September 2019), for older middle readers and younger teens, and the new, and highly inclusive menopause memoir-slash-survival guide What Fresh Hell Is This? Perimenopause, Menopause, Other Indignities and You (Hachette Go!, 2021).

IG: @scarleteenorg and @heather.corinna

Twitter: @scarleteen and @heathercorinna on tumblr